Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm Nervous!

About what, you might ask? Well it's actually a bunch of things all rolled into one (yes, there is a list coming), and I think that on their own, none of them would really make me too nervous, but because they are all together I'm freaking out!

1. First I'd like to inform everyone that I got a second job! Well, it's more like my first job since it will be much more than what I'm doing now. I don't really want to go into details since I just got it and haven't started yet and don't want to risk anything, but I will say I am very happy! And it goes up until I leave, so I will be busy! Starting a new job always makes me nervous...

2. I go abroad in less than a month. WHAT?! Yeah, that's how I felt when I saw it was July 21st and not only did I miss my opportunity to update my Facebook status and tweet about how I was leaving in exactly one month, but holy crap - I'm leaving in three and a half weeks! As much as I'm looking forward to it, I'm also scared out of my mind.

3. My chemistry class ends this Friday. And when chemistry classes end, or any college class for that matter, they typically end with a final. So this Friday at 1pm I will be sitting down to take a huge chemistry final. And I say it is huge because I didn't do so well on the midterm, so I know I really have to nail the final. Also it's worth 60 percent of my grade. No pressure or anything.

4. The lists keep getting longer!!! I have to buy this, that, another one of those, maybe a couple of these and I can't forget to look into that! Ugh, every day I add three new things to the list and take nothing off. Right now here's how it looks (in an abbreviated form):

  • umbrella
    storage bags
    travel light (for books, etc)
    visiting family album
    laundry bag
    alarm clock
    grocery bags
    wooden round brush
    little black dress
So I know that's a horrible layout and blah blah blah, but I don't have that much time, people! if you have any questions, ask, but I think it's pretty self explanatory. Oh and cross off the little black dress, I got one of those today!

I don't have a #5, so I guess that means I'm done. I'm still nervous, and I took time out of studying to write this, but I thought it was important to get it out there while I'm feeling it! Plus I won't have as much internet access anymore (a possible job hint...?) so I can't update as quickly. But I guess that's it! Until next time, dwh.

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