Friday, December 16, 2011

My Final Final!

Unlike many of my friends at DIS, I had a total of FIVE finals this week! Many classes have long papers or large group projects for the final assessment, but since I'm in all science classes I have five final exams! I realized this early on in the semester, but didn't actually know other students didn't have as many as me. Last week I was dreading having so many exams, but the week has actually flown by!

I honestly can't believe it's Friday, and I apologize for not blogging more this week! I really wanted to, and actually have a lot to talk about, so I'll try to include it all here and not forget anything.

First, I started my week with one of the most terrifying cell phone bills I've ever had. Over my two week travel break I had to call my bank for ten minutes to turn my card back on. Ten minutes cost me over one hundred dollars. It was an emergency, and my mom understood (usually I pay the bill but literally don't have that much money right now - ps going abroad makes you broke), but I still didn't like looking at the email...

Second, I have another blog coming on my touristy adventures, don't worry! I knew if I put "Part One" on that blog that I'd have to follow up with it, and here I am, not following up. This weekend I'm doing more things, and I did some on Wednesday so I have adventures to update you on, I just need some time to do it!

I am now four-fifths through my exams, having taken two on Tuesday (Complexity of Cancer and Medical Ethics) and then another two on Thursday (Human Health and Disease and HIV/AIDS), all of which went well (at least to a degree). It has really made this week fly by and I honestly can't believe it's already Friday here! On Monday I was really home sick and hated that I still had a week here, but now I'm shocked I'm leaving in four days and don't want to leave! Tomorrow I have one exam (Pregnancy, Birth and Infancy) which should be pretty straightforward. Then I'm done! Oh and if you want to learn more about any of my classes, look here!

And if having an exam tomorrow isn't enough, I also have to return my books and loaned laptop back to DIS. I honestly think my backpack weighs about 20 pounds right now. I think what I'll do is return my laptop before my final at noon, and then bike home, get my books, and return those after my final. It shall be interesting. Saturday I'm seeing my visiting family for a final lunch and returning my bike! My friend Amanda is going to the airport, so I have to work in helping her to the airport, too. Sunday I'm helping another friend, Kelsey, with her suitcases and then packing up!

I am still working on Christmas presents, but think I'll be done by the time I leave! Some people will be very happy! It's frustrating that on Sunday most everything will be closed because I would love to go shopping that last day and get everything finished, but nothing is open on Sundays in Denmark, so I'll just be sitting around at home. But it will be good to rest before traveling all day Monday (literally - I leave my housing at 9am and get home in Maine at 9pm, that's 3am Copenhagen time)! I have friends on my flight home too so that will be nice!

And then I'm home... and my adventures in Denmark are over I guess... no more blog, no more followers, no more documenting my crazy life online... NOT! Even though I won't be abroad anymore, I have decided to keep blogging! I love it so much, and actually currently have a tumblr but it's anonymous, so I won't post it here! But once I have my blog up and running I'll make a huge post about it and make sure everyone knows where I'm headed! Hopefully you will follow along!

Well I hope that's enough updating for all of you today, and for everyone studying for finals, I hope this was a fabulous study break/procrastination tool for you! I am off to study some before heading to bed and getting up early for my last exam. It really is bittersweet to be leaving Copenhagen so soon. On one hand I will miss it so much, leaving makes you realize all the small things you take for granted. But on the other, I can't wait to see my family and friends. I can't stay abroad forever, I have too much I love at home!

My post on touristy adventures part two will be up soon!
- Devon


  1. FYI almost all shops in Denmark are open every Sunday in December every year. So you can go shopping this Sunday too.

  2. That's amazing (it's like a Christmas miracle)! I asked my visiting family about it after reading your comment and they gave me more info, so I will be out and about on Stroget tomorrow! Thanks!
