Thursday, June 30, 2011

Top Ten

OK, so after two failed attempts to blog in the past two weeks, I'm going to do a quick one that will get the job done and cover everything that's happened:

1. I finished the first semester of my chem class! My final grade was a B+, which is good (I was afraid I'd get a C, and didn't think I'd done quite well enough to get an A). I'm onto semester two now, which isn't nearly as fun or exciting as the first. My lab partner isn't in class anymore, so it gets pretty boring. July 29th will be the best day of my summer!

2. My passport came!!! Did I tell you this? Possibly, but if not, it came. And then my old passport came a couple days later which was also a relief since I have some really cool stamps in it and didn't want to loose it! My new picture isn't as bad as the old one (maybe I'll post it sometime... it's bad) but still isn't great. I can never get them right!

3. I submitted absolutely everything to DIS and will hopefully get my pre-departure packet in the mail soon. That means it will only be four weeks late, not five. I know what you're thinking, that I should have done it immediately and gotten everything in on time, but I'm a busy girl! I work and go to class and bake cupcakes and... yeah ok I procrastinated big time. I just had to get the right picture!

4. I skated this week! For the first time since March I set foot on the ice. I'm always amazed at how easy it is to get back into when I go. The only problem is the constant flip flop weather in DC made my feet wider, so putting on skates creates an immense amount of pain in my feet and ankles. I'll have to work on that. Also, it may not seem like too long, going three months without skating when I'm in college, but before college I skated every day!

5. I can't think of a number five... I thought I'd have ten but I don't know if I will now!

6. I have savings now! I didn't take my paychecks from work for a few weeks and now have some nice savings for Denmark. Now to save double what I have and then some... :(

7. I wore my sorority letters the other day, and loved it. I accidentally wore them to class and I think people were confused (the college I'm going to this summer doesn't have greek life) but I was happy anyway. They are so easy, when I come back from abroad I'll have to buy new pretty ones!

8. I'm still running, and hopefully will all summer. It's been hard, especially this week, but I'm sticking to it. I have a personal rule that I'm not allowed to go more than a day without some sort of exercise. Sunday I ran, Tuesday I skated, Wednesday I walked with my mom, and today I will run! Then tomorrow I will hopefully run again because Saturday I can't do anything since I work all day. But it's getting easier!

9. Ok now for number nine... I can't think of one for this either... it's been nice weather! Does that count?

10. Ok for the last one I'm going to say that I will update you on everything coming up, hopefully I will keep with this until I go abroad (and then the real fun begins)!


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