Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why All the Conversions?!!

Seriously, I have never thought about money as much in my life as I am right now. Well, that might not be true, I tend to think about it a lot as I have HORRIBLE spending habits (yes mum, I have admitted it) and tend to spend before thinking about whether or not I even have money in my bank account (only to be slammed later, yes this has happened too many times to count and yes I know I now have horrible credit or whatever). But some reading about Denmark has exposed me to how expensive it is! Not only do I have to convert my money to Euros, but also to the Danish kroner, which is even worse than the Euro! My friend Emily told me she spend just under $3,000 during her semester in London this past fall, and she traveled to four places (Prague, Edinburgh, Madrid and Rome). I was planning on traveling to Rome where many of my sorority sisters will be, I will go around Denmark with my classes, my study tour with my program is to Berlin and western Poland, I want to go to Cologne and visit my friend, I have never been to Paris, and I have two friends in Brussels I want to see. That's a lot of traveling. I know London is probably more expensive than Copenhagen, but I'm just nervous.

Also, these summer classes are killing me. I would totally have two jobs right now if I had the time. I work at a factory store part time and usually get about 30 hours a week. This week I got 10. So that's not really any savings once you factor in gas and food for the week. I drive about 400 miles each week going to classes, so gas really piles up. I'm just hoping I can save enough this summer to do what I want to do and not die while I'm there of starvation. I'll have to find some cheap food vendors. My friend Lily hunted down a 10 for one deal on oranges, apples and pears while in London. She had to cross the city to get there, but it was worth it. A week's worth of fruit (a staple in both of our diets) for two pounds. That's pretty good for twenty clementines!

I know I am worrying a lot, but you have to act ahead of time to enjoy things when they arrive!!! Ok, off to bed for me, work in the morning! dwh.

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