Sunday, September 25, 2011


Hello Everyone!

First of all, I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you! I have almost reached 1,000 page views and honestly, I never thought that would happen (hopefully it will). I guess about 100 visits are from me, but still I want to thank everyone that is reading and following my semester abroad!

Second, I wanted to take a day to explain MANY things. Hopefully it won't take very long, and it won't all be in this blog, but I just wanted to give you all a heads up on what to expect in the future! I thought about making a vlog for this post (Mum, it stands for video blog) but it's really late at night and I just woke up from falling asleep for four hours (also called a nap) so I'm not exactly looking my best. But that is the first thing I want to tell you all about. For the weeks I am traveling, or if I have a week where I do a ton of things that would take years to write about (and read!) I am going to make a vlog and talk about it instead. I can also talk for hours, but I promise not to. Hopefully my sociology class last spring where I had to make a movie trained me well enough to make vlogs. Who knows, but I am really looking forward to talking to you all!

I also wanted (finally) share my class schedule with you! I think it's important if you're considering studying abroad at DIS and might choose the Medical Practice and Policy (MPP) program that you know what your class schedule will be like. All core sections are taught in the late afternoon, because that's when the doctors have time to teach, and also when the hospitals are less busy. My other classes are in the afternoon because I am NOT a morning person (well, possibly, more on that later). So here's my schedule:

 - Medical Ethics
1:15 – 2:35
 - Medical Exploration of HIV/AIDS
2:50 – 4:10
 - Complexity of Cancer
4:25 – 5:45

 - Pregnancy, Birth and Infancy In Denmark
11:40 – 12:00
 - Human Health and Disease (MPP core class)
3:30 – 5:30

My favorite class so far is Complexity of Cancer. I absolutely love the detail we get into about the types of cancer and how to treat them. The professors are both young oncologists and have great stories and experiences to add to their lectures. We also do a lot of case studies, which help pass the time! As you can see, all classes at DIS are an hour and twenty minutes, besides your core class, which is two hours. But all of the professors are really nice and always give 3-5 minute breaks halfway through class.

Something else I wanted to discuss is my love of cupcakes! Hopefully by the end of my semester here I will have worked my way through (with the help of friends) the entire Agnes Cupcakes menu. This isn't going to be easy, since I tend to go on Sundays and they don't have all the flavors that day. But I will figure it out. I will probably post my cupcake blogs on Thursdays because that allows me to taste two cupcakes - one on the weekend and one during the week - before I write the blog. Right now I have two flavors waiting to be written about! So look for those on Thursdays. If you follow me on Twitter (the link is on the side, it's a special account for my blog) you can get a heads up on when a new blog is going up, too!

More schedules! The next few weeks are very crazy for me because I am going on my long study tour (remember when I went on my short study tour?) to Berlin and Poznan, Poland on Sunday, October 2nd, and I'm not returning until that Saturday! So that will definitely be a vlog and not a blog. Too much to talk about! But I promise to keep up with the cupcakes while I am away!

After that week away, my mom and sister come to visit me in Copenhagen for a week and a half! We are going to Stockholm together, so I will have lots of update you all on, plus tell you of any adventures we have while they are here. I already told my sister she's helping me with the cupcake flavors I don't like. They leave towards the end of October, and a week and a half later I am off to Europe! Ok, I mean traveling in Europe. I don't want to tell you where I'm going quite yet, but I can tell you it is going to be amazing. And that I will seriously need to think about how to pack.

What else, what else... oh I know. I will hopefully be posting blogs three times a week (with the exception of blogs like this that are just updates). Probably on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday but if one pops up on Monday or Friday, just go with it!

Also (I promise this is it), be sure to check out the lists I've made on the side bar! If you're looking for blogs that include a certain topic, just click on the link it will bring up the blogs in order of most recent first. That way you can check out my housing, where I traveled to, what I did on the weekend and which cupcake flavors I reviewed without having to file through every single blog. I actually use this a lot to find old blogs I need to create links for.

Well I think that's it! Nothing more from me today, but I will leave you with a wonderful cupcake image that will make you want to fly across the ocean and visit me - flights are under $1000, I checked today!!!

Haha, until next time,


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