Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why I Love the Danes

There is something about Danes that makes me admire them. They are so friendly, easy-going and warm (which I guess you have to be here)! Today I was in a situation that made me appreciate this country even more than I already did.  Here's what happened:

Today I had my class at the hospital, which means at 3pm I have to take a train from Norreport station, near DIS and my house, outside the city to Gentofte, where my hospital is. All of the trains run on the same tracks (there are five), with commuter rail trains beneath. When I arrived, I had seven minutes, which meant I would barely make it to class on time. After a few trains came and went and I had two minutes left, a girl came up to me with tears in her eyes, speaking to me in Danish. I explained I only speak english, and she explained to me that she had lost her mother. She must have been at least 10 because her english was quite good. I honestly didn't know what to do. In the states, you take children to the ticket agent and explain what happened and stay with them until you know they are safe or their parents have arrived. In Denmark, there are no ticket turnstiles because they use the honor system, so there are no ticket agents to get help from.

I looked around trying to figure out what to do, telling her it would be ok, and asking her what she looked like. It seemed as if she had been on the commuter rail and when they came up to the S train level, she got lost in the crowd. By this time she was crying and so scared, and I desperately wanted to help her, but honestly didn't know what to do since there were no train workers close to us. The closest help would have been to take her to the street level to the ticket office and wait there, but then her mother never would have found her. Then, just when I saw my train approaching, an older woman waiting in line for coffee near us turned around and asked what was wrong. There were many people around, but the Danes are very private and do not disturb other people. After hearing her story this woman pulled out her cell phone and handed it to the girl, telling her to call her mother and not to worry, that they would find her. Then she looked at me with a short smile and a nod, letting me know it was ok to go. I ran on the train and when I left, the girl was wiping away her tears and the woman was staying put, dedicated to finding the mother. Somehow I know she found her mom, and I made it to class on time.

This is what I love about the Danes. They will go out of their way for one of their own. They are the most genuine people I have met, far more grounded than Americans. If you say you will do something, they expect you to do it! They never turn their backs or leave you hanging. This woman had no idea what she was getting herself into, but knew we both needed help and came to our assistance. The whole situation made my day that much better. And the fact that I looked Danish enough for the girl to approach me was nice too, she trusted me. So that's all for today, I just wanted to share my story! It honest made me appreciate Danes more than I thought possible.


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