Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Counting Down.

Excuse me, did you say 33 days? Um no, I'm sorry, I believe you are speaking to the wrong abroad student. Because I really can't handle news like that right now!

It is so hard for me to think about leaving Denmark and going back to the US in a month. I'll be honest and say that I regularly think about all the wonderful things I'm missing out on by not being in the US, but then I think about everything I'm going to miss out on by not being in Denmark, and I never want to leave. What I miss at home is my car, going grocery shopping and knowing where things are, seeing my friends, going shopping and not having to convert the prices, being able to make money and not just spend it, and have my own room. What I will miss about Denmark is the food, the people, bicycles, the culture, my classes, my friends, my professors, DIS and everything I have done here in Copenhagen. 

When looking at the two lists, I realize everything I miss about home can be done whenever I want, but what I love about Denmark are memories I will have forever. They, too, may be things I can do whenever I want, but doing them here in Copenhagen makes them different. Tonight I went to a concert at Vega, the main music venue here. Foster the People is one of my new favorite bands and their song "Pumped Up Kicks" was a huge hit this past August. Funny enough, I work at Gap when I'm at home and that was on the store soundtrack in May, so when the song came out I already knew all the words! Going to the concert was so much fun, and even though I missed out on the one in DC in September, I went tonight in Denmark with all of my study abroad friends and had so much fun. I wish we could go again.

Sometimes being abroad isn't about the pros and cons, but what makes what you do here unique - if the things you do aren't different than in the US, are you really getting the experience you came here for? The second week I was in Europe I rented a bike for the semester. I am now bracing for the day I have to say good bye to my pink beach cruiser named Lynda. I am beginning to plot how I'm going to take Danish pastries back to Maine with me, not because we don't have pastries in Maine, but because they are special - they're from Denmark. I will cherish my 7-11 hotdogs until the moment I board the plane (probably eating one walking down the ramp, although it won't be from 7-11 and therefor not as good).

So if you are planning on going abroad, think about what you want out of the experience, and try to experience as many new things as possible. You're bound to love something, and trust me, it will change the way you see everything you do. 

More later in the week - I'm busy!


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