Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lemon, Mocha, and a Long Study Tour Surprise!

Ladies and Gentleman, the day has come! My mom and sister made it safely to Copenhagen, and with them they brought an entire bag of things I had asked for. In this bag was... a new laptop! I don't really want to go into details (I am very superstitious and don't want to jinx myself and lose another laptop) but I will say it has made my life SO much easier, and I've only had it for about two hours. Because of the new laptop, I can finally download my pictures from late September and October, and get going with these cupcake reviews!

First up: Lemon Meringue!
I am a chocolate person. If my dessert doesn't have chocolate in it, I might as well not eat it because I know I won't be happy. But I decided to branch out and try a new flavor at Agnes, and went with the lemon meringue. Wow. Between the fluffy cake with lemon zest to the actual meringue topping, toasted to perfection, this cupcake was pure heaven. I may have to say the apple cupcake was better, but only because I love apples and it had cream cheese frosting. I would highly recommend this cupcake, but remember a glass of water because it was sweet!

This past week after I got back from my long study tour, I spent Sunday catching up on emails and homework at the DIS library (one of my favorite places to go). After, I went over to the Agnes flagship store by Strøget just to see what flavors they had left (it was almost closing time). I noticed milk chocolate and mocha and decided for a little caffeine kick late in the afternoon. It turned out to be ok, I actually ended up eating two (don't ask) and wasn't blown away by either. It was a little depressing. The mocha flavor was there, but I make a caramel mocha cupcake when I'm at home that has way more flavor. It just didn't wow me. But it looked really good.

Before I went on my long study tour I knew I would have to do something about the cupcake review for the week. This of course was before my laptop went m.i.a. however I decided to still try and find a cupcakery on my tour. I had absolutely no time in Berlin, but stumbled across this fabulous place while in Poznan, Poland.

My friends and I all went and tried different flavors. I'll just say this: Agnes still reigns supreme. It wasn't that they weren't good, they're cupcakes, I'm pretty sure that's impossible. They just didn't have anything unique to them. Also they had been stored in a refrigerated display case, so they were a bit dry. Nevertheless I enjoyed my amaretto-flavored cupcake and the green frosting. It was a nice adventure between academic visits!

Overall I enjoyed the cupcakes I tasted these past few weeks. I feel like I tried one other one, but can't remember. Next week I will be tasting cupcakes with my family! My sister has unique taste buds, so it should be interesting. I am off to Stockholm for the weekend, and will be sure to blog about that when I return! Also, photos have been added to the long study tour blog, check it out here

Poznan, Poland. 

Have a fabulous weekend!

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