Friday, October 28, 2011

One More Day!

One more day and I am done with class - for two weeks! Many of my friends were finished yesterday, but my core class is on Tuesdays and Fridays in the late afternoon, so my midterm break doesn't start until 5:30 tonight. So in seven and a half hours, I will be the happiest person alive! Don't get me wrong, I love my classes and really enjoy being in Denmark, but I am so excited to travel and see all of my friends from American! There is definitely a difference between friends from home and friends you meet while abroad, and though my friends here are great and I love hanging out with them, my friends from school are amazing.

So on this completely normal day - oh wait, did I mention I was woken up by a fire alarm this morning? Yep, at 9:15 (thankfully only 10 minutes before my alarm was set to go off) the fire alarm in our building went off. And let me just say this: if it had been a real fire, we would have been dead. This is one area that I firmly believe boarding school trained me well in. Ms. Heath, the head of my dorm until senior year, would start a fire drill at all hours of the day. Once I was in the shower, another time I was eating ramen noodles, watching tv in the lounge. You never knew when she was going to start a drill. But because of this, you knew the moment you heard the alarm to put on shoes, grab a jacket, and if it was winter or nighttime, grab a really warm blanket, close your door and walk single-file to the nearest emergency exit. Yeah so today we had some problems with that... basically meaning I was the only one to put on yoga pants and start to leave. Thankfully the alarm turned off after a few minutes (once everyone was awake) and we all went back to our normal routines.

So much for a normal day! I am off to class, and then have to pack for my trip! Wish me luck!


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